摘 要:“华龙一号”核电站双腹吊车中存在较多的尺寸大,厚度大的焊接结构,焊接之后会出现变形较大,焊后变矫正工艺难以实施;同时焊接过程中的焊接残余应力,会降低焊接接头的质量,甚至导致焊接接头出现的早期的失效,产生应力腐蚀裂纹。因此,考虑引入焊接数值模拟软件对焊接变形和焊接残余应力进行提前预测,优化焊接工艺,改善预制构件的焊接质量,提高核电建造的数字化、智能化建设。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0105-07
Research on Numerical Simulation of Double-Belly Crane Beam Welding Process in Nuclear Power Plant
LI Min, CAO Jie, ZHOU Yudong, LIU Xueliang
(China Nuclear Industry No.24 Construction Co., Ltd., Yantai 265100, China)
Abstract: In the double-belly crane of “Hualong One” nuclear power plant, there are many welding structures with large size and thickness, which will cause large deformation after welding, and it is difficult to implement the deformation correction process after welding. At the same time, welding residual stress in the welding process will reduce the quality of welding joints, and even lead to early failure of welding joints, resulting in stress corrosion cracks. Therefore, it is considered to introduce welding numerical simulation software to predict welding deformation and welding residual stress in advance, optimize the welding process, improve the welding quality of prefabricated components, and improve the digital and intelligent construction of nuclear power plant construction.
Keywords: welding simulation technology; double-belly crane beam; simulation method; heat source model
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作者简介:李敏(1988—),女,汉族,山东泰安人,高级工程师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:核电钢结构设计、焊接模拟、BIM 应用等。