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(1. 郑州大学体育学院,河南 郑州 450044;2. 河南经贸职业学院,河南 郑州 450044)

摘  要:河南省体育信息化建设较为薄弱,无建设标准,无参考平台,目前迫切需要一个顺应河南省体育健康发展的信息化平台,来填补河南省体育行业在信息化建设上的欠缺,并依据当今河南省体育健康领域和体育大数据领域的发展趋势及相关政策与指导性文件等,指出构建体育健康大数据服务平台是河南省体育健康发展的必然趋势和选择。运用归纳总结法、文献资料法和逻辑 分析法,对河南省体育健康大数据服务平台构建的相关问题进行深入分析和研究,并通过进一步的分析和研究认为,大数据服务平台的构建可以更好地应用于河南省全民健身、体育比赛、体育游戏、体育训练及选拔等体育健康领域,最后从河南省体育健康领域发展的相关需求与大数据领域相融合的角度,探讨河南省体育健康大数据服务平台的构建,更好地促进河南省体育事业的发展。


中图分类号:TP311.13;G80-05         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0106-04

Research on Construction of Sports Health Big Data Service Platform
——Taking Henan as an example
ZHAO Xinhui1,CHEN Jiaheng2
(1.Physical Education College of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450044,China;2.Henan Institute of Economics and Trade,Zhengzhou 450044,China)

Abstract:The construction of sports information in Henan province is weak. There is no construction standard and no referenceplatform. There is an urgent need for an information platform that conforms to the healthy development of sports in Henan province to fillthe gap in Henan’s sports industry in informatization construction. The development trend and related policies and guidance documents,etc.,points out that the construction of sports health big data service platform is an inevitable trend and choice for the healthy developmentof sports in Henan province. Using the inductive summarization method,document data method,and logical analysis method,indepthanalysis and research on issues related to the construction of Henan sports health big data service platform is going. Through furtheranalysis and research,it is believed that the construction of big data service platform can be better applied to sports and health fields suchas national fitness,sports competitions,sports games,sports training and selection in Henan province,and finally develops from thesports and health field in Henan province. The integration of related needs and the big data field explores the construction of a Henan sportshealth big data service platform to better promote the development of sports in Henan province.

Keywords:sports information;sports health;big data;service platform


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