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(惠州经济职业技术学院,广东 惠州 516057)

摘  要:随着社会的不断发展以及人才多元化需求的增长,高职院校对各专业教学现状以及人才培养方案进行了改革。高职计算机网络课程的学习对于高职学生来讲有一定的难度,学生需要花费大量时间去理解和消化,这样以来容易使学生对其失去兴趣。为解决上述问题,高职院校计算机教师应改变传统教学方式,把现代化的模拟仿真技术运用到教学中,从而吸引学生的注意力,促进教学的顺利展开。本文主要就模拟仿真技术在计算机网络教学中的应用展开讨论,以找到合适的应用方式。


中图分类号:TP393-4;G712        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0137-02

Research On the Application of Simulation Technology inComputer Network Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

LI Lei

(Huizhou Economics and Polytechnic College,Huizhou 516057,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of society and the growth of the demand for diversified talents,higher vocational colleges have reformed the current teaching situation of various specialties and personnel training programs. The study of computer network course in higher vocational colleges is difficult for higher vocational students. Students need to spend a lot of time to understand, so it is easy to make students lose interest in it. In order to solve the above problems,computer teachers in higher vocational colleges should change the traditional teaching methods and apply modern simulation technology to teaching,so as to attract students’attention and promote the development of teaching successfully. This paper mainly discusses the application of simulation technology in computer network teaching,in order to find a suitable application mode.

Keywords:online education in higher vocational;simulation technology;computer network technology


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作者简介:李磊(1988.02-),男,河南邓州人,硕士,研 究方向:网络舆情技术。