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(中共吴川市委党校,广东 吴川 524500)

摘  要:我国党校的教学工作,承担了对我党重要思想文化的传承教育作用,相应的教学任务繁重、教师教学负担大,导致党校的实际教学质量和教学效率受到不同程度的影响。为解决这一问题,就要建立党校教学资源的共享机制,将党校教学中用到的教学资源储存起来,为不同的教师不同的党校教学提供有力的帮助,减少教学中资源搜集的负担。文章对云计算技术在党校教学资源共享中的实践进行分析,将云计算机技术应用到资源的共享当中,为优化党校教学工作提供有力参考。


中图分类号:TP392;G434        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0141-02

Practical Thinking of Cloud Computing Technology in the Sharing of Teaching Resources in Party Schools

LIN Shenhao

(Party School of Wuchuan Municipal Committee of CPC,Wuchuan 524500,China)

Abstract:In the teaching work of our Party school,it undertakes the function of inheriting and educating the important ideology and culture of our Party. The corresponding teaching task is heavy and the teachers’teaching burden is heavy,which leads to the actual teaching quality and teaching efficiency of the Party school being affected to varying degrees. In order to solve this problem,it is necessary to establish a sharing mechanism of teaching resources in Party schools,store the teaching resources used in Party schools,provide powerful help for different teachers in different Party schools,and reduce the burden of teaching resources collection. This paper analyzes the practice of cloud computing technology in the sharing of teaching resources in Party schools,and applies cloud computing technology to the sharing of resources,providing a powerful reference for optimizing teaching work in Party schools.

Keywords:cloud computing technology;Party school;teaching resources;sharing


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作者简介:林深豪(1982.02-),男,汉族,广东吴川人, 教育技术学讲师,毕业于湛江师范学院,本科,研究方向:教育技 术学、计算机教学。