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(广东岭南通股份有限公司,广东 广州 510110)

摘  要:职住失衡问题是城市化发展过程中必然会遇到的一种空间资源配置不当问题,是新时代城市规划建设和发展所面临的重要课题。在大数据等新兴互联网技术逐步成熟和广泛应用、服务于行业发展的背景下,本文基于城市交通一卡通大数据构建通勤人群的居住地与就业地识别模型,识别通勤人群的通勤轨迹(OD);探讨职住平衡评价指标和测度方法,并应用于广州各城区职住平衡状况研究中。结果发现:广州市通勤人群具有就近居住、跨区择业的特征;城市中心地区的职住平衡状况较好,离城市中心越近的区域职住失衡情况越显著。


中图分类号:TP274.2;TP393.09          文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0001-04

Exploration and Application of Urban Occupational-Residential Balance Analysis
Based on Big Data of Transportation Card
XU Feng,LI Zhiming,HE Jianbing,ZHANG Jingkui,YU Hongling
(Guangdong Lingnantong Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510110,China)

Abstract:The imbalance between occupation and housing is an inevitably inappropriate allocation of space resources in urbanization development. It is also an important issue faced by urban planning construction and development in the new era. Under the background of the maturity and wide application of big data technology and other new internet technologies into the development of the industry,this paper builds the identification model of commuter’s residence and employment based on the big data of urban traffic card,identifies the commuter’s OD. The paper explores the evaluation index and measurement method of occupational-housing balance,in order to applying it to the research of occupational-housing balance in Guangzhou’s urban areas. The results show that the commuters in Guangzhou have the characteristics of living closely and choosing jobs across districts;the balance of occupations and housing in urban central areas is better;the closer to the city center,the imbalance of occupations and housing in the region is more outstanding.

Keywords:occupational-housing balance;city planning;transportation card big data


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