摘 要:预应力预制装配式框架结构和现浇框架结构在节点处理上存在较大的差异,对预应力预制装配式框架节点建立准确的有限元模型将对后续动力特性的计算有重要影响。本文提出了一种基于OpenSees 的节点模拟方法,并结合刘炳康两层两跨的预应力预制装配式框架结构试验模型,验证节点有限元模型的正确性。
中图分类号:TU378.4;TU311.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0012-03
Finite Element Model of Prestressed Prefabricated Frame Joints Based on OpenSees
WANG Chenchen
(College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:There are great differences in joint treatment between pre-stressed prefabricated frame structure and cast-in-situ frame structure. The accurate finite element model of pre-stressed prefabricated frame joint will have an important influence on the subsequent calculation of dynamic characteristics. This paper presents a node simulation method based on OpenSees,and verifies the correctness of the joint finite element model by combining Liu Bingkang’s two-storey and two-span prefabricated frame structure test model.
Keywords:prestress prefabrication;frame node;OpenSees;finite element
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