摘 要:为了利用交通大数据为道路建设提供重要依据,本研究基于Web 的Browser/Server 结构模式,采用ASP.NET 技术,借助百度地图JavaScript API,应用C#、JavaScript 和T-SQL 等编程语言设计并实现了交通车速区间位置查询系统。 首先通过对交通大数据进行整理得到GPS 数据,然后通过该系统的车速区间位置查询页面对十进制经纬度坐标精确到小数点后的位数和查询条件(经纬度范围、车速区间和车辆数量下限)进行设置,可查询到车辆集中停放、堵车、车流量大和车辆超速的具体位置。通过实验与分析,基于交通大数据的车速区间位置查询系统可以为道路建设规划与改造降低事故发生率提供重要的依据。
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0001-06
Design and Implementation of Vehicle Speed Range Location Query System for Traffic Big Data
(Department of Criminal Technology,Guizhou Police College,Guiyang 550005,China)
Abstract:In order to provide an important basis for road construction by using traffic data,this paper designs and implements a traffic speed interval location query system based on Browser/Server structure mode of Web,using ASP.NET technology and Baidu Map JavaScript API,using C#,JavaScript and T-SQL programming languages. Firstly,the GPS data is obtained by sorting out the traffic data. Then,the decimal coordinates of longitude and latitude are precisely set to the digits after decimal point and the query conditions (longitude and latitude range,speed interval and lower limit of vehicle number)are set through the speed interval location query page of the system,which can query the specific locations of concentrated parking,traffic jam,large traffic volume and vehicle overspeed. Through experiments and analysis, the speed interval location query system based on traffic data can provide an important basis for road construction planning and reconstruction to reduce the accident rate.
Keywords:traffic big data;location query system;Baidu map API;Web;ASP.NET;C#
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作者简介:艾虎(1974-),男,汉族,江西弋阳人,副教授, 博士,研究方向:信息技术、大数据。