摘 要:超速发展的现代信息技术使武器装备的故障诊断能力得到大幅度的提升,机内检测(BIT,Built-In Test) 技术是一种能够提高系统的测试性、维修性的重要技术,是实现电子系统、电子设备的故障检测和故障隔离的重要手段之一。该技术已经广泛的应用于目前的航空航海和武器系统当中,在本文中,我们以某型舰炮武器系统的机内自检设备(BITE,Built-In Test Equipment)为例。简要介绍了BIT 技术的发展、BITE 设备的组成、接口和工作流程。
中图分类号:TJ391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0011-03
Application of BIT Technology in Naval Gun Weapon System
JI Shan
(The 27th Research Institute of China Electronic Science and Technology Group Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047,China)
Abstract:The rapid development of modern information technology has greatly improved the fault diagnosis capability of weapons and equipment. Built-In Test (BIT) is an important technology that can improve the testability and maintainability of the system. One of the important methods to realize fault detection,isolation of electronic system and electronic equipment. This technology has been widely used in current aeronautical navigation and weapon system. In this paper,we take the BITE equipment of a certain type of naval gun weapon system as an example. A brief introduction to the development of BIT technology,the composition of BITE equipment,interfaces and workflow.
Keywords:naval gun weapon system;Built-In Test technology;BITE
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作者简介:冀山(1971-),男,汉族,河南南阳人,二级技师, 研究方向:舰炮武器系统训练和模拟专业。