摘 要:自媒体和影像的结合对传统媒体影像传播造成了巨大的冲击,传统媒体影像传播垄断局面被突破,公众参与自媒体影像创作的积极性明显的增强,自媒体影像信息也对社会大众的生产生活产生了重要的影响。作为高校大学生,在老师的指导下,我尝试从大学生群体入手,对大学生原创自媒体影像信息的功能和表达进行了适当的探究,希望能通过研究对大学生原创自媒体信息形成更加系统的认识,为后续系统探索这部分知识奠定基础。
中图分类号:J905;G206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0025-03
Function and Expression of College Students’Original We-Media Image Information
CHEN Qiqiao,HE Shuaisen
(City College of Dongguan University of Technology,Dongguan 523419,China)
Abstract:The combination of We-Media and image has a great impact on the transmission of traditional media images. The monopoly situation of traditional media image communication has been broken through. The public’s enthusiasm to participate in We-Media image creation has been obviously enhanced. We-media image information also has an important impact on the production and life of the public. As a college student,under the guidance of teachers,the author try to explore the function and expression of college students’original We-Media image information from college students’ group,hoping to form a more systematic understanding of college students’original We-Media information through research,and lay a foundation for the follow-up system to explore this part of knowledge.
Keywords:college students;visual expression;We-Media image information
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作者简介:陈绮荞(1996-),女,汉族,广东东莞人,2015 级本科在读,主要研究方向: 数字媒体艺术;何帅森(1984-),女, 汉族,北京人,硕士研究生,讲师,主要研究方向:艺术设计、广 播电视新闻学。