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(西藏大学 工学院,西藏 拉萨 850000)

摘  要:拉萨市农牧区分布于拉萨市及周边地区,地势高、小聚居、环境较为恶劣等因素限制了农牧区物流的发展,而限制其物流发展的主要原因是缺少相关的理论指导,解决农牧区物流问题的最佳方法便是建立完备的物流网络体系,而使得物流网络体系合理有效运转的关键是选址问题。本文根据拉萨市农牧区现状,分析农牧区主要问题,重点分析了如何建立拉萨市农牧区物流网络的中心选址,在基于信息熵法,融合灰理想关联熵法对选址指标进行权重分析,通过加权灰理想关联熵值的大小对选址进行比较,得到备用选址中的最优地址。进而建立较为完备的拉萨市农牧区物流体系网络。


中图分类号:TP301.6;F326.6          文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0004-03

Study on Location Selection of Logistics Network in Agricultural and
Pastoral Areas of Lhasa City
HU Ran,CHENG Gang,LIU Xinyu,DONG Xiaoyu,LIU Jiang
(Tibet University Institute of Technology,Lhasa 850000,China)

Abstract:Lhasa’s farming and pastoral areas are distributed in Lhasa city and its surrounding areas. The factors such as high terrain,small settlement and poor environment restrict the development of logistics in farming and pastoral areas. The main reason for restricting the development of logistics is the lack of relevant theoretical guidance. The best way to solve the logistics problems in farming and pastoral areas is to establish a complete logistics network system,which makes the logistics network system operate reasonably and effectively. The key is the location problem. According to the present situation of the farming and pastoral areas in Lhasa city,this paper analyses the main problems of the farming and pastoral areas,and focuses on how to establish the central location of the logistics network in the farming and pastoral areas of Lhasa city. Based on the information entropy method,the weight analysis of the location index is carried out by combining the grey ideal correlation entropy method. The location is compared by the size of the weighted grey ideal  correlation entropy value,and the optimal address in the alternative location is obtained. Then establish a relatively complete logistics system network in Lhasa agricultural and pastoral areas.

Keywords:agricultural and pastoral areas;grey ideal correlation entropy;logistics location


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