摘 要:近年来社会各个领域的发展趋势都在不断倾向科技化,电视电话会议系统作为能够有效提升部队工作效率的沟通方式,其应用显示出了很大的优势。运用这样的系统能够更快完成部队的各项任务流程,并且更精准的传达会议主旨,提升决策效率,因此其应用是十分广泛的。故文章将以此为电视电话会议系统的建设及实际应用进行分析,以保证系统的安全稳定运行。
中图分类号:TN948.63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0043-02
Discussion on the Construction and Application of Videophone Conference System
ZHANG Lu1,LIU Xiangru2
(1. The Original Chengdu Military Command Communication Station,Chengdu 610015,China;2. China People's Liberation Army
78156,Chengdu 610000,China)
Abstract:In recent years,the development trend of all fields in the society is constantly inclined to science and technology. Videophone conference system,as a way of communication that can effectively improve the efficiency of the army,has shown great advantages in its application. With such a system,the tasks of the army can be quicker,and the purport of meetings can be conveyed more accurately,and the efficiency of decision-making can be improved. Therefore,its application is very extensive. Therefore,this article will analyze the construction and practical application of the teleconference system to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system.
Keywords:videophone conference system;system construction;system application
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作者简介:张璐(1984.06 -),女,汉族,四川成都人,原成都军区联勤部通信站华阳机务站站长兼助理工程师,研究方向:视频会议。