摘 要:随着高职院校数字化建设的快速推进,校园一卡通系统成为高职基础数据建设的方向,也是搜集学生行为与消费状况的重要手段。当前多数学生利用校园一卡通服务平台,开展校内外的餐饮、出行或其他消费行为,从而完成大数据与学生行为管理之间的深度对接。本文以Hadoop 开源平台架构为基础,建立高职学生行为分析及预警管理系统,对学生的日常消费行为进行预测与管理,以实现学生信息管理的数字化、安全化。
中图分类号:TP393.18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0013-03
Behavior Analysis and Platform Research of Higher Vocational Students
Based on Big Data
(Jiangsu College of Engineering and Technology,Nantong 226007,China)
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of digital construction in higher vocational colleges,the campus card system has become the direction of the construction of high-level basic data,and is also an important means of collecting student behavior and consumption. At present,most students use the campus card service platform to carry out catering,travel or other consumer behaviors inside and outside the school,thus completing the deep connection between big data and student behavior management. Based on the Hadoop open source platform architecture,this paper establishes a behavioral analysis and early warning management system for vocational students to predict and manage students’ daily consumption behaviors,so as to realize the digitization and security of student information management.
Keywords:big data;vocational students;behavior analysis;early warning mechanism
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