摘 要:农作物的生长环境对其产量和质量具有很大的影响,目前我国对农作物生长环境进行监测与评价的系统尚不成熟。对此,研发了一套农作物生长环境智能监测与评价系统,该系统由数据采集站点、服务器端数据交互程序和网页客户端三部分组成,实现了对土壤温湿度、PH 值、EC 值、光照度等环境指标以及现场图像的远程监测和数据分析处理。该系统无需在监测现场建立网络基站,具备了可迁移性好、成本低、环境适应性强等特点,实现了将现场的数据精准采集与云端的科学化服务平台相结合,为农业作业的实施提供了科学有效的参考与指导。
中图分类号:TP274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0011-03
Design and Development of Monitoring and Evaluating System for Crop Growth
(Information Technology Centre of Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089,China)
Abstract:Crop growth environment has a great influence on the yield and quality of crops. At present,environmental monitoring and evaluation system for the growth of crops is undeveloped in China. Therefore,an intelligence environment monitoring and evaluating system has been developed. This system consists of three parts,including data collection device,server-side data interaction software and web client. It achieves remote real-time monitoring and analysis for muti-indicators such as soil temperature and humidity,PH,EC and illumination. The system does not need to establish the network base station in the monitoring site,and has the characteristics of good mobility,low cost and strong environmental adaptability. It realizes the combination of accurate data collection on the spot and the scientific service platform in the cloud for agricultural operation. Providing a scientific and effective reference and guidance.
Keywords:crop growth environment;data collection;environment monitoring
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