摘 要:数字化单分子免疫分析(Simoa)技术是一种新型的超高灵敏度、特异性、全自动化的多重检测技术。该技术结合了单分子、图像识别、数字化分析和荧光检测技术,能实现单分子检测,目前已经在神经性疾病的微创检查、肿瘤早期诊断、炎症、感染性疾病甚至miRNA 检测等领域进行大量研究,均取得了不错的成果。毒品成瘾、戒断和耐受实质上是机体的一系列生理、生化过程,Simoa 技术用于吸毒人员的生理生化研究将有助于阐明毒品成瘾和耐受机制,并为毒品戒断药物的研制提供理论依据。
中图分类号:O657.3;TP212.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0016-03
Research Progress of Digital Single-molecule Immunoassay Technology and
Application Prospects in the Field of Drugs
WANG Jiye1,YAO Weixuan1,WANG Pengjuan2,MENG Fanwei2
(1.Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Drug Prevention and Control Technology,Zhejiang Police College,Hangzhou 310053,China;
2.Hangzhou Neoline Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310030,China)
Abstract:Digital single molecule immunoassay(Simoa)is a new type of ultra-sensitive,specific,fully automated multiplex detection technology. This technology combines single molecule,image recognition,digital analysis and fluorescence detection technology to achieve single molecule detection. It has been extensively used in the fields of minimally invasive neurological examination,early tumor diagnosis,inflammation,infectious diseases and even miRNA detection. The research has achieved good results. Drug addiction,withdrawal and tolerance are essentially a series of physiological and biochemical processes in the body. Simoa technology used in the physiological and biochemical research of drug addicts will help to clarify the mechanism of drug addiction and tolerance,and provide theoretical basis for the development of drug withdrawal drugs.
Keywords:single molecule immunoassay;drug addiction;biomarkers
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