摘 要:医疗卫生信息对于人们了解、获取医疗资源十分重要,其准确性和实时性则尤其重要。为了方便准确而快速地检索到医疗卫生信息,需要建设一个和医疗卫生信息相关的专题搜索网站。针对上述情况,首先设计基于主题的网络爬虫功能,然后采用MS SQL Server 2008 作为数据存储、Visual Studio.NET2010 作为开发工具实现专题搜索网站及其网络爬虫的设计。经过实际测试与运行表明,该系统能够满足基本的医疗信息专题搜索的要求。
中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0023-03
Research and Design of Web Crawler for Medical Information
FENG Sidu,YANG Jianye,HAN Xu
(School of Medicine Information of Xuzhou Medical College,Xuzhou 221004,China)
Abstract:The medical and health information is very important for people to understand and obtain medical resources,and its accuracy and real-time are particularly important. In order to retrieve medical and health information quickly and conveniently,a special search website related to medical and health information is needed. In view of the above situation,a search website with its web crawler of subject topic were designed,and then using MS SQL Server 2008 as DBMS and Visual Studio.NET 2010 as development tools develop these. Test and operation showed that the system meets the requirements of basic medical information subject search.
Keywords:search engine;web crawler;medical and health information;special subject website
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