摘 要:新闻系统如果不能有效的进行新闻分类和个性化推荐,势必会影响到用户的使用效率和使用兴趣。本文通过自然语言处理技术、文本分类技术、协同过滤算法等技术构建新闻自动分类和推荐系统,对发布的新闻内容进行分词处理以及分类训练,从而自动判断新闻的所属类别,如果用户对系统反馈的分类结果不满意,还可以手动的进行修改分类,以便后期不定时的对属性进行更新。再通过协同过滤算法计算出用户间的相似度,进一步计算出与被推荐用户相似度较高的用户,将该用户浏览过但被推荐用户未曾浏览的新闻推荐给用户进行查看。本文是以复旦大学李荣陆用于文本分类研究所使用的新闻语料库为基础,通过此库来进行文本分类准确性的测试。测试结果表明,本系统能够很好的服务于新闻用户,体现出新闻系统的个性化。
中图分类号:TP393.09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0009-03
Study and Implementation of News Classification and Recommendation System
GUAN Taotao,SONG Wanli,ZHANG Ruijie
(Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 211171,China)
Abstract:If the news system can not effectively classify and personalize the news recommendation,it will inevitably affectthe user's use efficiency and interest. This paper constructs a news automatic classification and recommendation system by using naturallanguage processing technology,text classification technology,collaborative filtering algorithm and so on. It can automatically judge thecategory of the news,if the user is not satisfied with the classification results of the system feedback. Manually modify the classificationso that the attributes can be updated indefinite. The similarity between users is calculated by the collaborative filtering algorithm,and theusers with higher similarity are further calculated,and the user is viewed by the user who has not been browsed by the recommended user.This paper is based on the news corpus used by Li Ronglu of Fudan University in the Institute of Text Classification to test the accuracy oftext classification. The test results show that the system can serve the news users well,reflecting the personalization of the news system.
Keywords:recommended algorithm;automatic classification;collaborative filtering
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