摘 要:系统阐述了光纤光栅的测温原理,包括温度和应力对光纤光栅反射谱的影响,研究了光纤光栅温度传感模型,对光纤光栅温度传感原理和模型进行分析。根据仿真设计出实验模型,对光纤光栅进行应力补偿封装,从而消除应力的影响。把封装好的传感器放在水浴箱中,改变水浴温度,测试光功率在不同温度下的变化情况。把光功率计换成光谱仪,测试在不同温度情况下反射光谱发生的变化,得出温度- 波长曲线,从而设计出光纤光栅温度传感器模型。
中图分类号:TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0001-04
Design of Temperature Sensor Based on Optical Fiber Bragg Grating
LIU Xue,QIN Cui,WANG Shuqiang,HE Yuan,LIU Xinpeng
(Department of Communication Engineerings,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)
Abstract:The temperature measurement principle of fiber grating is systematically described,including the effect oftemperature stress on the reflection spectrum of fiber grating. The fiber grating sensing model is studied and the temperature sensingmodel of fiber grating is analyzed. An experimental model was designed based on the simulation to stress-compensate the fiber gratingto eliminate the influence of stress. Place the packaged sensor in a water bath,change the temperature of the bath,and measure thechange in optical power at different temperatures. The optical power meter was replaced with a spectrometer to measure the changes inthe reflected spectrum at different temperatures,and the temperature-wavelength curve was obtained. Thus,a fiber grating temperaturesensor model was designed.
Keywords:fiber bragg grating sensor;temperature sensor;spectral simulation;optical fiber sensing
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