摘 要:在长期的管理工作中,昆明市相关部门已累积了大量涉河涉水行业数据和公共数据。充分利用好这些数据,为昆明市全面深化河长制工作提供基础数据支撑,既能避免重复建设,又是河长制建设、发展和管理信息化的必然趋势。本文探究了昆明市河长制支撑数据整合的对策与方案,分析了数据整合共享过程中的主要工作难点,提出了数据整合共享的组织实施和保障措施。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4076(2018)11-0008-03
Research on the Data Integration and Sharing of the River Chief System in Kunming
CHAI Jun,WANG Cuibai
(Power China Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited,Kunming 650051,China)
Abstract:In the long-term management,relevant departments in Kunming have accumulated a large number of river wadingindustry data and public data. Making full use of these data can provide the basic data support for the comprehensive deepening of the riverchief system in Kunming. It can not only avoid duplicate construction,but also is the inevitable trend of river chief system construction,development and management informatization. This paper explores the countermeasures and schemes of supporting data integration in thesystem of river chief system in Kunming,analyzes the main difficulties in the process of data integration and sharing,and puts forwardthe organizational implementation and safeguard measures of data integration and sharing.
Keywords:river chief system;data integration;data sharing;safeguard measures
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