摘 要:针对电子文档真实性和原始性的识别问题,本文提出了在DCT 域中采用抖动调制直流和低频系数添加水印的算法。首先,对载体图像预处理,并将标志图像转换为容量较小的QR 码;其次,对载体图像做分块DCT 变换;接着,采用抖动调制方式将水印嵌入分块DCT 系数的直流、低频部分;最后,对嵌入水印的载体图像做DCT 反变换。通过仿真实验,对缩放、裁剪、高斯噪声、压缩等攻击后的文档中的水印进行了提取。实验表明,本算法具有水印隐藏效果好,能够经受一定比例缩放、一定量的图像裁剪和适度的JPEG 压缩等攻击,能够实现盲检测及嵌入较大容量标志信息的优点。
中图分类号:TP309.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0013-04
Digital Watermarking Algorithm of QR Code Based on DCT Domain
LIU Xiaohong,GONG Ruichun
(School of Information Science and Technology,Baotou Teachers’College,Baotou 014030,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the identification of authenticity and originality of electronic documents,this paper proposes a method ofadding digital watermark in DCT domain by using dither modulation DC and low frequency coefficients. Firstly,the carrier image ispreprocessed,the logo image is converted to a smaller capacity of QR code;Secondly,the carrier image is divided into blocks,DCTtransform;then,the watermark is embedded into the DC and low frequency coefficients of the block DCT by using the dither modulationmethod. Finally,the DCT inverse transform of the carrier image containing the watermark is done. The watermark information is extractedfrom the electronic documents after the attack,such as scale,cropping,Gauss noise,compression and so on. The results show thatthis algorithm has the advantages of good watermark hiding effect,it is able to withstand a certain scaling,a certain amount of imagecropping and moderate JPEG compression coding etc.,and blind detection of watermark information and embedded larger logo image.
Keywords:digital watermarking;two value image;discrete cosine transform;fast response matrix code;dither modulation
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