摘 要:关于区域性综合专题地图集的编制,本文以《河北省地图集》的编制为例,强调要分析各种统计数据,研究数据分级方法,以揭示事物的内在联系;同时还要发掘数据蕴涵的地理规律,展现现象分布的地域差异,用科学分级的方法反映专题地图内容,编制兼具科学性与艺术性的区域性综合专题地图集。
中图分类号:P208;P285 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0028-03
Discussion on the Hierarchical Design Method of Statistical Data in the Statistical Map of Thematic Map
——Taking "Hebei Provincial Atlas" as an Example
YUAN Yuexin,LIU Xiujun
(Hebei Academy of Cartography,Shijiazhuang 050031,China)
Abstract:On the compilation of regional comprehensive thematic atlas,this paper,taking the compilation of“Hebei Provincial Atlas”as an example,emphasizes the analysis of various statistical data the method of data classification,in order to reveal the internal relations of things.At the same time,geographic data to explore the implication of the present law,regional difference phenomenon distribution,using the scientific method to reflect the classification of thematic map,making both regional comprehensive thematic atlas
of science and art.
Keywords:thematic map;statistical data;classification method
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