摘 要:无人机作为一种新型的海上协同搜救设备,具有搜救成本低,效率高、操纵灵活等优势,本文首先对无人机协同搜救进行了系统阐述,对涉及的关键技术进行了研究和探讨,其中包括目标智能识别与定位、机载无线通信技术及海图坐标转换等,结合机载AIS 和北斗通信系统可以实现远海目标和恶劣气候下的搜索,增加北斗救助反馈链路,突破船舶搜索低视角、低通 信的局限性,为增强海上协同搜救能力提供了技术保障。
中图分类号:V279+.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0001-03
Research on Key Technologies of Marine Collaborative Search andRescue Based on UAV
ZHU Wubin,ZHOU Li,ZHANG Yi,LI Jinjun,QI Jing
(Jiangsu Ocean University,Lianyungang 222005,China)
Abstract:As a new type of marine collaborative search and rescue equipment,UAV have the advantages of low cost,highefficiency,and flexible operation. This paper first systematically expounds UAV coordinated search and rescue,and studies and discussesthe key technologies involved. These include the intelligent identification and positioning of targets,airborne wireless communicationtechnology,and chart coordinate conversion. Combined with airborne AIS and Beidou communication systems,we can achieve longrangesea targets and search under harsh weather conditions,and increase the Beidou rescue feedback chain. To break through thelimitation of low angle of ship search and low communication,it provides technical guarantee for enhancing the capability of marinesearch and rescue.
Keywords:UAV;coordinated search and rescue;identification and positioning;wireless communications;coordinate conversion
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