摘 要:本文论述了使用ATML 语言的背景、ATML 标准体系结构和构成ATML 标准所有子组件的描述方法及其之间的相互关系,提出了基于ATML 标准的测试软件架构模型设计,包括信号的定义、映射表、XML 引擎、模型转换工具、数据库模型等技术,为实现自动测试系统软件的通用性、可移植性奠定了技术基础。
关键词:ATML;XML;XML 引擎;映射表
中图分类号:TP274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0001-03
Research on Test Software Architecture Model Based on ATML Standard
HUANG Xueming1,REN Dengjuan2
(1.Guangzhou Hangxin Aviation Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China;2.Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,Guangzhou 528138,China)
Abstract:This paper discusses the background of using ATML language,the architecture of ATML standard and the description methods of all the sub-components of ATML standard and their interrelationships. It also presents the design of testing software architecture model based on ATML standard,including signal definition,mapping table,XML engine,model transformation tool,database model and so on. It lays a technical foundation for realizing the universality and portability of ATS software.
Keywords:ATML;XML;XML engine;mapping table
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