摘 要:由于石化安全科普教育的不足,经常会发生各种各样的事故。通过统计调查发现事故多由人为原因造成。基于此背景,开发一款石化安全教育移动终端APP 和科普教育平台势在必行。本文阐述了石化安全校园科普平台和移动终端APP 软件开发的现实意义、开发方案、开发过程、技术路线及关键技术等,并为实际开发做好了需求分析指导。
中图分类号:TP311.56;TP316 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0007-03
Development of Petrochemical Security Campus Science Platform and Mobile Terminal APP Software Based on Cloud Computing
CHEN Yongfang
(Maoming Polytechnic,Maoming 525000,China)
Abstract:ADue to the shortage of petrochemical safety science education,various accidents often occur. The statistical investigation found that the accident was caused by human factors. Based on this background,it is imperative to develop a petrochemical safety education mobile terminal APP and science education platform. This paper expounds the practical significance,development plan,development process,technical route and key technologies of petrochemical safety campus science platform and mobile terminal APP software development,and provides a demand analysis guide for practical development.
Keywords:cloud computing;petrochemical safety education;mobile terminal;popular science platform
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