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信息技术2018 年3 期

(长春汽车工业高等专科学校,吉林 长春 130013)

摘  要:当前,随着智能化时代的进一步发展,电子商务、金融、法律、教育、科研、政务等各行各业都被海量数据填充,这些数据就是未来发展最宝贵的资源,是透析行业现状、预测未来发展的重要途径。因此,越来越多的科技人员投入力量对海量数据进行进一步研究。文章在分析大数据理论的基础上,探讨了大数据背景下信息处理技术的三个关键环节。


中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0018-02

Exploration of Information Processing Technology in Big Data Background
QU Dongmei
(Changchun Automobile Industry Institute,Changchun 130013,China)

Abstract:At present,with the further development of the intelligent era,E-commerce,finance,law,education,scientific research,government affairs and other industries are flooded with data,these data is the future development of the most valuable resources,dialysis industry is the status quo,forecast the future development of an important way. As a result,more and more scientific and technical personnel are devoting themselves to further research on data. Based on the analysis of large data theory,this paper discusses three key links of information processing technology in big data background.

Keywords:big data background;computer technology;information processing


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