摘 要:交叉口通行的特点是交叉口之间距离短并且有很强的关联性,尤其是在设置了公交专用道后,通行条件和信号配时均需要保证公交优先。本文选取银川市贺兰山西路的四个连续的交叉口作为研究对象,通过对数据分析处理,利用数解法完成了上述连续四个交叉口的绿波协调配时,在保证公交优先的前提下,实现车辆连续的通过距离较近的交叉口,使车辆延误降低,道路排队长度减少,通行能力得到提高。
中图分类号:U491.12 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0011-03
Traffic Organization and Green Wave Coordination of Intersection Groups with Bus Lanes
(Ningxia University School of Mechanical Engineering,Yinchuan 750021,China)
Abstract:The characteristics of intersection traffic are short distance and strong correlation. Especially when bus lanes are set up,both traffic conditions and signal timing need to ensure bus priority. In this paper,four consecutive intersections of Helanshan West Road in Yinchuan city are selected as the research objects. Through data analysis and processing,the green wave coordinated timing of the four consecutive intersections is accomplished by using numerical method. On the premise of ensuring bus priority,vehicles can continuously pass through the nearer intersections,thus vehicle delays and the length of road queuing can be reduced,and the traffic efficiency will improve.
Keywords:bus lane;intersection group;signal control;green wave coordination
基金项目:本文系2017 年度宁夏高等学校科学研究项目:银川市城市区域交叉口群优化控制方法研究(项目编号:NGY2017050)资助。
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