摘 要:随着轨道交通技术的发展,现代轨道交通的运营模式已经从早期的ATP 防护下的手动驾驶升级换代至无人的全自动驾驶系统。在技术的升级换代过程中,折返效率成为了技术瓶颈,无法满足现代轨道交通对高效运营的强烈需求。为了寻求提升折返效率的空间,本文通过对轨道交通建设中常见的站型折返过程进行分步模拟仿真,对影响折返效率的相干因素进行定量分析,探讨提升折返效率的可优化方向,为工程设计提供有力的理论参考。
中图分类号:U292 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0016-03
Analysis of Coherent Factors of Train Return Efficiency in Urban Rail Transit
ZHENG Chengxin
(Casco Signal Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100166,China)
Abstract:With the development of rail transit technology,the operation mode of modern rail transit has been upgraded from manual driving under early ATP protection to unmanned automatic driving system. In the process of upgrading this technology,the return efficiency has become a technical bottleneck,which can not meet the strong demand of modern rail transit for efficient operation.In order to find the space to improve the return efficiency,this paper makes a quantitative analysis of the relevant factors affecting the return efficiency through the step-by-step simulation of the common station-type return process in rail transit construction,explores the optimization direction of improving the return efficiency,and provides a strong theoretical reference for engineering design.
Keywords:rail transit;return efficiency;coherent factors;rule optimization
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