摘 要:高校教务系统中学生数量和课程种类的飞速增长,使得传统推荐算法难以处理海量、高维的选课数据,为进一步提升大学生的选课效率,文章提出一种改进的LFM 隐语义模型推荐算法,首先构造选课评分数据的相似矩阵,通过谱聚类进行初始分类,然后分类别构建LFM 模型并计算合理的推荐算法。通过在某高校的选课数据集上的对比实验,证明了本文算法具有较高的预测精度和较低的空间复杂度。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0014-03
A Recommended Courses Algorithm Based on Spectral Clustering and LFM
LIU Xuan
(College of Information Engineering,Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Xinyang 464000,China)
Abstract:The rapid growth of the number of students and the types of courses in the educational administration system of colleges and universities,make the traditional recommendation algorithm is difficult to deal with mass and course of high-dimensional data,in order to further enhance students’course selection efficiency,this paper proposes a recommendation algorithm to improve the LFM argot meaning of model,the first data structure course score of similar matrix,the initial classification by spectral clustering and classification build LFM model and calculate the reasonable recommendations. Through the comparison experiment on the data set of course selection in a university,it is proved that the algorithm in this paper has higher prediction accuracy and lower space complexity.
Keywords:recommendation algorithm;LFM(latent factor model);spectral clustering algorithm
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