摘 要:文章旨在从研究热点、研究前沿这两个方面深入分析国际医学信息教育的研究现状。以 1996 ~ 2018 年 Web of Science 所收录的医学信息教育领域的全部文献为研究对象,借助 CiteSpace V 这一科学计量工具利用关键词共现法识别高频次、 高中心度的关键词作为研究热点,通过突现词探测法找出突现关键词,探测出该研究领域不同阶段的前沿。直观地展示了医学信 息教育的研究现状和发展趋势,为医学信息教育的未来发展提供了有益借鉴和参考。
中图分类号:TP317.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0022-04
Mapping and Analysis of Knowledge Map in the Research Field of Medical Information Education
LIU Peng1,TU Yan2,PAN Wei1,LI Jinxiu1
(1.Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu 233030,China; 2.Hunan Provincial Institute of Science and Technology Information,Changsha 410001,China)
Abstract:The research aims to deeply analyze the research status of international medical information education from the research hotspots and research frontiers. Taking all the literatures in the field of medical information education included in Web of Science from 1996 to 2018 as the research object,using CiteSpace V as a scientific measurement tool to identify high-frequency and high-centralized keywords by keyword co-occurrence method;find out the keywords by highlighting the word detection method and detect the frontiers of different stages of the research field. Through the mapping and analysis of knowledge maps,this research visually demonstrates the research status and provides useful reference and reference for the future development of medical information education.
Keywords:medical informatics;research hot;knowledge graph;graph drawing
基金项目:蚌埠医学院人文社科面上项目(B YKY17150sk);安徽省教育厅高校人文社科研究重点项目(Sk2018A1058)
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