摘 要:测土配方施肥在我国农作物种植方面发挥着重要作用,基于 Eclipse 平台,运用 Java 语言和 WebGIS 技术,采用MySQL 数据库,并引入相关数据处理技术,设计开发了测土配方施肥辅助决策系统。由 Android 移动端和 PC 端组成,通过采用改进的克里金插值算法处理采样点的土壤养分信息以获取更多数据,通过 GPS 定位技术获取位置信息,并通过 Web Service 技术从服务器远程获取土壤养分信息。根据用户对不同作物产量的需求,制定出合理的施肥建议,为种植户提供辅助决策,实现精准施肥。
中图分类号:TP391.7;S147.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0030-03
Design and Implementation of Soil Testing and Fertilization System
LI Yonghao,WANG Lu,WANG Xiangyu
(College of Information Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018,China)
Abstract:Soil testing and formula fertilization play an important role in crop planting in China,based on Eclipse platform,using Java language and WebGIS technology,using MySQL database,and introducing related data processing technology,a decisionmaking system of soil testing formula fertilization is designed and developed. It is composed of Android mobile terminal and PC terminal.The improved Kriging interpolation algorithm is used to process the soil nutrient information of sampling points to obtain more data,GPS positioning technology is used to obtain the location information,and Web Service technology is used to obtain the soil nutrient information from the server remotely. According to the needs of users for different crop yields,make reasonable fertilization suggestions,provide auxiliary decision-making for growers,and achieve accurate fertilization.
Keywords:WebGIS;soil testing formula fertilization;Kriging interpolation;mobile development technology;crop yield model
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