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基于Web 的家教服务平台设计
(湖北文理学院 计算机工程学院,湖北 襄阳 441053)

摘  要:遵循软件工程规范,根据互联网优化传统家教服务的需要,打造为教员和学员提供在线的家教信息发布平台以及构建家教服务反馈和质量保证机制,本文设计并实现了基于Web 的家教服务系统。基于该系统,实现了学员和教员在线上的信息对接和高效互动,建立了透明规范的家教服务流程和可评价的家教服务反馈模式,确保了家教服务的高质量。


中图分类号:TP316.8         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0011-03

Design on Family Tutoring Service Platform Based on Web
DAI Xiaohu,DU Jing
(School of Computer Software,Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441053,China)

Abstract:Following software engineering specifications and utilizing the internet to optimize the needs of traditional family tutoring service,a family tutoring service system based on Web was designed and implemented to provide an online family tutoring information advertising platform with a feedback and quality assurance mechanism of tutoring service for teachers and students. With this system,the information match and efficient interaction between students and teachers online were achieved,and a transparent,standardized family tutoring service procedure and an evaluable feedback mode of tutoring service were established,which ensures ahigh quality tutoring service.

Keywords:family tutoring;service platform;Web;service evaluation


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