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VB 编程语言在软件开发中的应用
(项城市中等专业学校,河南 项城 466200)

摘  要:Visual Basic 的简称为VB,即通过描述事件、方法、属性的方式对一个对象进行描述。VB 编程语言系统主要有RAD 系统(快速应用程序开发)、GUI(图形用户界面)等。软件开发的五个步骤中有一个重要的步骤,就是软件的设计,而VB 编程语言就处于软件设计阶段中,其主要的作用是将语言链接、预编译等服务提供给软件。VB 编程语言的方法主要有三种:链接法、直接编写法、控件法。本文主要针对“VB 编程语言在软件开发中的应用”这一课题展开详细研究。

关键词:VB 编程;软件开发;语言;应用

中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0026-02

Application of VB Programming Language in Software Development
MA Chunyu
(Xiangcheng Secondary School,Xiangcheng 466200,China)

Abstract:The abbreviation of VisuaIBasic is VB,that is to describe an object by describing the way of events,methods and attributes,VB programming language system mainly includes RAD system(rapid application development),GUI(graphical userinterface)and so on. There is an important step in the five steps of software development,that is the phase of software design,while theVB programming language is at the stage of software design. The main function is to provide language links,precoding translation services to software. There are three main methods of the programming language:link method,direct writing method,and control method. This paper focuses on the topic of“Application of VB programming language in software development”.

Keywords:VB programming;software development;language;application


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