摘 要:随着城市轨道交通的快速发展,运营管理单位对视频监控系统的功能需求日益增加。现场摄像机布点量及后台视频监控数据量与日俱增,视频数据存储量高达 100 TB,面对巨量监控信息的存储管理,便成为视频监控存储系统一个重要的功能研究课题。文章根据项目设计方案进行实验室环境搭建测试。梳理出视频监控系统采用 IP-SAN 存储构架的解决方案,并对此类存储构架解决方案作出总结归纳,希望为后续视频监控系统存储业务提出指导性意见。
关键词:视频监控系统;中间存储转接件;iSCSI 协议;SNMP 协议
中图分类号:TP391.4;TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0014-05
Research on IP-SAN Storage Architecture for Video Surveillance System
GUO Xudong1,WEN Shangping2
(1.Baoxin Software (Chengdu) Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610094,China; 2.Chengdu Metro Operation Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610021,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of urban rail transit,the functional requirements of video monitoring system for operation management units are increasing. The number of on-site cameras and background video monitoring data is increasing day by day,and the video data storage capacity is up to 100 TB. Facing the huge amount of monitoring information storage management,it becomes an important functional research topic of video monitoring storage system. According to the project design,this paper tests the laboratory environment. Combing out the video monitoring system using IP-SAN storage architecture solutions,and this kind of storage architecture solutions are summarized,hoping to provide guidance for the subsequent video monitoring system storage business.
Keywords:video monitoring system;intermediate storage adapter;iSCSI protocol;SNMP protocol
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