摘 要:根据1964—2013 年的降水资料和NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料,采用EOF 算法、谱分析等方法分析广东地区冬季降水分布特征。结果表明,在50 年间,广东冬季降水量和全年总降水量随时间呈基本一致的波动型变化,但随空间变化的差异明显。广东冬季降水的主要模态为全区一致型分布,主模态时间系数显示有明显周期为2.5 年的年际变化特征。其冬季降水异常对应着不同的相关物理量场异常,降水偏多年,500 hPa 环流负异常,850 hPa 有西南风正距平,水汽通量距平辐合,散度负异常及涡度正异常;降水偏少年则与之相反。
中图分类号:P426.6;TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0009-04
Analysis on the Distribution Characteristics of Winter Precipitation in Guangdong from 1964 to 2013
XU Juan
(Meteorological Center of Middle South Regional Air Traffic Management Bureau of CAAC,Guangzhou 510405,China)
Abstract:According to the precipitation data from 1964 to 2013 and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,EOF algorithm,spectral analysis and other methods were used to analyze the distribution characteristics of winter precipitation in Guangdong. The results showed that in 50 years,winter precipitation and annual total precipitation in Guangdong showed basically the same fluctuation pattern with time,but significant differences with spatial variation. The main modes of winter precipitation in Guangdong are uniformly distributed in the whole region,and the time coefficient of the main mode shows an obvious interannual variation with a period of 2.5 years. The winter precipitation anomaly corresponds to different related physical quantity field anomalies. The precipitation is multi-year,the circulation is nnegative at 500 hPa,the southwest wind is positive at 850 hPa,the water vapor flux is horizontal convergence,the divergence is negative and the vorticity is positive;the precipitation is relatively young,the opposite is true.
Keywords:winter precipitation;distribution characteristics;analysis of abnormal precipitation
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