摘 要:在靶场弹道解算和卫星轨道解算中,通过样条约束的EMBET 方法对测元的系统误差的估计,大大提高了测量系统的解算精度。针对EMBET 方法中通常只能估计常数、线性系统差的问题,提出了使用B 样条描述非线性系统差,并可采用Gauss-Newton 迭代方法对参数进行求解。经仿真验证,此方法可以较为准确地估计非线性系统差、线性系统差,适用于系统差函数不易描述的情形。
关键词:EMBET;非线性系统差;样条约束;B 样条;误差估计;多径效应
中图分类号:TJ013.2;V553 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0029-03
A Nonlinear System Error Method Based on EMBET with Spline Constraint
SHEN Pengfei,CUI Leyuan
(The 27th Research Institute of CETC,Zhengzhou 450047,China)
Abstract:In the trajectory solution and satellite orbit solution,the spline-constrained EMBET method greatly improves the accuracy of the measurement system by estimating the systematic error of the measurement. To solve the problem that the EMBET method can only estimate the constant and the linear systematic error,the B-spline is used to describe the nonlinear systematic err,and the Gauss- Newton iteration method is used to solve the parameters. The simulation shows that this method can accurately estimate the linear and nonlinear systematic err,which is suitable for the situation that the systematic err is not easy to describe.
Keywords:EMBET;nonlinear systematic error;spline-constrained;B-spline,error estimate;multipath effect
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