摘 要:交通信号灯是城市交通重要的调节器,但随着城市的发展,城市交通情况也愈加复杂。在路口车流量不均匀时,使用传统的韦伯斯特配时方法难免会产生较多的信号损失。为解决这个问题,在传统韦伯斯特配时方法的基础上进行了优化,结合数字图像处理技术处理监控摄像计算道路车流量,实现了一体化的交通灯控制系统,并设计了仿真实验。实验结果表明,优化后的系统可以在应对复杂路况的情况下制定更合理的配时方案,使得道路具有更高的通行效率。
中图分类号:U491.51 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0010-04
Research on Traffic Light Control System with Uneven Road Traffic
(School of Geodesy and Geomatics,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China)
Abstract:Traffic lights are very important regulator of urban traffic. However,as the city develops,the situation of urban traffic become more complicated. When the road intersection’s traffic flow is uneven,traditional Webster timing method inevitably produces lots of signal loss. To solve this problem,this paper optimized the traditional Webster timing method,calculate road traffic with digital image processing technology,and designed a simulation experiment. Result shows that optimized system can generate a more reasonable timing plan when dealing with complex road conditions,and gets higher traffic efficiency at the same time.
Keywords:GIS;traffic light;Webster’s method of timing;digital image processing;intersection
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