摘 要:在日常出行中有大量电动摩托车因为不文明驾驶造成的交通事故比比皆是,为了减少交通事故,保护驾驶者的生命安全,设计一款使用语音提醒方式的安全保障系统,以Android 系统为操作平台并通过蓝牙连接电动摩托车上的传感器设备,以解决上述问题。经过试验表明,该设计不仅成本低、还能很大程度上保障驾驶者生命安全,同时提高市民日常出行对电动摩托车热衷度,打消市民对驾驶电动摩托车不安全的顾虑。安全保障系统的使用对保护驾驶者的安全起到了很大的作用。
中图分类号:TU89;TP368.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0016-03
Design and Development of Safety Assurance System for Intelligent Electric Motorcycle
LI Chunqing1,FENG Yan1,FAN Xiao1,PAN Xu1,ZHAO Ying2
(1.School of Information Science and Technology,Tibet University,Lhasa 850000,China;2.Institute of Technology,Tibet University,Lhasa 850000,China)
Abstract:In the daily travel has large electric motorcycle because uncivilized traffic accidents due to driving everywhere,in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents,protect the life safety of the driver,to design a device using voice remind,with Android system as operation platform,and through the Bluetooth connection electric motorcycle sensors on the equipment,to solve the above problems. The experiment shows that the design not only has low cost,but also can guarantee the life safety of the driver to a great extent. Meanwhile,it can also improve the enthusiasm of the public for electric motorcycle in daily travel and eliminate the public’s concerns about the unsafe driving of electric motorcycle. The use of safety auxiliary equipment plays a great role in protecting the safety of drivers.
Keywords:security guarantee;Android;early warning of safety;assisted driving;wisdom trolley
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