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基于Vue 和SpringBoot 的机场气象 信息系统设计与实现
(中国民用航空总局第二研究所,四川 成都 610041)

摘  要:文章针对通用机场的气象信息服务体系建设不完善、气象服务保障不足的现状,提出一种基于Vue 和SpringBoot的机场气象信息系统。以SpringBoot、Vue 框架进行手机端和网页端应用开发,在移动端实现了机场本场气象数据、变化曲线、报文、设备等信息的展示功能,在网页端实现了气象模块、地图模式、列表模式、日志管理、用户管理等功能。通过该系统可远程、实时、准确了解机场本场气象信息和报文信息,为航空器起降和通用航空低空作业及飞行安全提供参考。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0001-06

Design and Implementation of Airport Meteorology Information System Based on Vue and SpringBoot

ZHAO Fuqiang,YAN Fengshuo,BIAN Daiquan,ZHU Xiaobo

(The Second Research Institute of CAAC,Chengdu 610041,China)

Abstract:This article proposes an airport meteorology information system based on Vue and SpringBoot in view of the current situation that imperfect construction of meteorology information service system of general airport and insufficient meteorology service guarantee. Use SpringBoot and Vue frameworks for mobile and web application development,realize the display function of the airport’s local meteorology data,change curves,messages,equipment and other information on the mobile side,and realize the meteorology module,map mode,list mode,log management,user management and other functions on the web side. Through this system,it is possible to remotely,real-time and accurately understand the local meteorology information and message information of the airport,and provide reference for aircraft take-off and landing,general aviation low-altitude operations and flight safety.



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