摘 要:文章使用自回归因子分析模型(ARFA)对数据样本进行动态过程建模,分析了卡尔曼滤波和EM 算法在估计ARFA 模型中回归矩阵参数A 和载荷矩阵参数C 的方法。在此基础上,提出了一种使用变分贝叶斯EM(VBEM)故障检测方法,对ARFA 模型参数A 和C 进行推断和动态过程故障检测。仿真实验结果表明,在ARFA 模型下,VBEM 方法对下文所述的阶跃信号、斜坡信号等四类故障的检测效果要优于EM 方法对该类故障的检测效果,并且降低了平均迭代次数。
关键词:自回归因子分析模型;EM 算法;变分贝叶斯EM;故障检测
中图分类号:TP277;TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0001-06
Parameter Derivation and Fault Detection of ARFA Model Based on VBEM
LI Jijun,ZHANG Zhijie,LI Qicao,DONG Zijian
(School of Electronic Engineering,Jiangsu Ocean University,Lianyungang 222005,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the autoregressive factor analysis(ARFA)model is used to model the dynamic process of data samples,and the methods of Kalman filter and EM algorithm to estimate the regression matrix parameter A and load matrix parameter C in ARFA model are analyzed. On this basis,a fault detection method based on variational Bayes EM(VBEM)is proposed to infer ARFA model parameters A and C and detect dynamic process faults. The simulation results show that under ARFA model,the detection effect of VBEM method is better than that of EM method for four kinds of faults,such as step signal and slope signal,and the average number of iterations is reduced.
Keywords:autoregressive factor analysis model;EM algorithm;variational Bayes EM;fault detection
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