摘 要:为了解决综合气象观测设备运行监控告警信息发布不及时、设备维护维修保障人员沟通不便等问题,文章采用移动互联网技术,基于微信设计研发一套综合气象观测设备远程监管系统。实现了综合气象观测设备运行监控工作移动化,设备运行监控告警信息和维护维修表单信息推送及时化和智能化。有助于提高综合气象观测设备维护维修保障时效和业务运行效能。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0020-03
Design and Implementation of Remote Monitoring System for Integrated Meteorological Observation Equipment
CHEN Lihua
(Inner Mongolia Atmospheric Sounding Technology Support Center,Hohhot 010051,China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problems such as the untimely release of operation monitoring alarm information of integrated meteorological observation equipment and the inconvenience of communication between equipment maintenance and support personnel,this paper uses mobile internet technology to design and develop a remote monitoring system of integrated meteorological observation equipment based on WeChat. It realizes the mobile operation monitoring of integrated meteorological observation equipment,timely and intelligent push of equipment operation monitoring alarm information and maintenance form information. It helps to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair and operational operations of integrated meteorological observations.
Keywords:observation equipment;remote monitoring;operation monitoring;enterprise WeChat account
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