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(湖南信息职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410200)

摘  要:互联网商品交易市场发展迅猛,交易规模及交易额屡创新高,其中,各类业务支撑引擎发挥了不可替代的作用,针对“面向对象编程(高级)”教学内容,对通用业务支撑引擎进行了分析与设计。软件以C++ 及Lua 脚本语言为载体进行设计,主要模块包括Lua 环境绑定及注册模块、核心业务场景模块、数据加密模块、数据通信模块、数据库操作模块、日志模块、配置模块等,引擎体系功能完备,性能高效且稳定,具有较高的教学指导意义。


中图分类号:TP391.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0024-04

Analysis and Design of the Supporting Engine of Internet Commodity Transaction Business

XIE Jian

(Hunan College of Information,Changsha 410200,China)

Abstract:Internet commodity transaction market is developing rapidly,and the scale and amount of transactions have repeatedly hit new highs. Among them,various business support engines have played an irreplaceable role. Aiming at the “Object Oriented Programming(Advanced)” teaching content,general business support engines have been analyzed and designed. The software is designed with C++and Lua scripting language as the carrier. The main modules include Lua environment binding and registration module,core business scene module,data encryption module,data communication module,database operation module,log module,configuration module,etc.,the engine system has complete functions,high efficiency and stability,and has higher teaching guidance significance.

Keywords:internet commodity transaction;business engine;teaching guidance


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