摘 要:为了在电子政务加速发展的同时推动数字经济的发展,提升数字化治理能力,使城市建设更智慧,更加高效、便捷、透明。该文深入研究了当前 Java Web 开发的几种主流框架结构,采用了 Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis 这个轻量级的 JavaEE企业级框架去设计开发了一套电子政务管理系统,并且在集成框架中使用 Ajax 技术增强了系统的交互性,在提升响应速度的同时也给用户带来更好的使用体验。
关键词:SSM;Spring;Spring MVC;MyBatis;Ajax;电子政务;框架
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0005-07
Research and Implementation of E-government System Based on SSM Framework
YE Xiaobing
(Guangxi Technological College of Machinery and Electricity,Nanning 530007,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the development of digital economy while accelerating the development of e-government,enhance the ability of digital governance,and make urban construction more intelligent,efficient,convenient and transparent. This paper deeply studies several mainstream framework sturctures of current Java Web development,uses Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis,this lightweight JavaEE enterprise framework to design and develop a set of e-government management system,and uses Ajax technology in the integrated framework to enhance the interactivity of the system,which not only improves the response speed,but also brings better using experience for users.
Keywords:SSM;Spring;Spring MVC;MyBatis;Ajax;e-government;framework
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作者简介:叶晓兵(1980—),男,汉族,广西灵山人,教师, 讲师,工程师,本科,研究方向:软件技术、数据库管理、信息与 安全技术、电子商务。