摘 要:教师资源配置状况一定程度上反应了区域教育均衡化水平。以中部某省的义务教育师资配置为例,选取师生比、教职工学生比、职称、学历、学科及年龄结构等指标,在定量化的基础上构造属性集;分别采用基于划分聚类的 K-means 算法及基于密度聚类的 DBSCAN 算法,进行迭代聚类,获得不同区域的师资配置聚类结果及等级划分,揭示综合配置水平及区域差异特点。此外,论文比较了 K-means 和 DBSCAN 两种聚类算法对师资配置的聚类效果,探讨了两种算法的适用范围。
基金项目:湖北自然科学基金项目(2017CF B138);湖北第二师范学院教改项目(X2019010); 中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZYYD012)
中图分类号:TP312 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0016-05
Research on Regional Compulsory Education Teachers Allocation Based on Clustering Analysis
LIU Limin1,2,3,LI Jiawen1
(1. Computer College of Hubei University of Education,Wuhan 430205,China; 2.Hubei Co-Innovation Center of Basic Education Information Technology Services,Wuhan 430205,China; 3.Hubei Education Cloud Service Engineering Technology Research Center,Wuhan 430205,China)
Abstract:To some extent,the status of teachers allocation reflects the equalization level of regional education. Taking the compulsory education teachers allocation in a province in central China as an example,this paper selects some indicators such as teacherstudent ratio,faculty-student ratio,professional title,education background,discipline and age structure to construct attribute set on the basis of quantification. The K-means algorithm based on partition clustering and DBSCAN algorithm based on density clustering are used respectively for iterative clustering to obtain the clustering results and grade division of teachers allocation in different regions,it reveals the level of comprehensive allocation and the characteristics of regional differences. In addition,the paper compares the clustering effect of K-means and DBSCAN clustering algorithm on teachers allocation,and discusses the application scope of the two algorithms.
Keywords:balanced allocation of teacher resources;teacher mining;K-means;DBSCAN
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作者简介:刘利敏(1988—),女,汉族,河南驻马店人,讲师, 博士,研究方向:大数据智能分析;通讯作者:李佳雯(1998—), 女,汉族,湖北宜昌人,本科在读,研究方向:计算机应用。