摘 要:近年来中国的手机用户数量大增,特别是3G 以及全业务运营的开展给运营商带来了更加广阔的发展空间。同时竞争也日趋激烈,运营商面临的站点寻址困难、维护成本增加等问题越来越严峻,如何以更加快速灵活的方式部署业务、获得市场先机,如何有效地降低设备能耗、降低运维成本成为3G 网络部署的关键问题。本文介绍了一种将基站机房、通信塔、天线集成一体的新型基站。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0019-02
Discussion on Effective Application of Space Station
QIU Yueliang,CAO Haichun,MAO Xinyu
(Zhejiang 8 Telecom International Holdings Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310013,China)
Abstract:In recent years,the number of mobile phone users in China has increased greatly,especially the development of 3G and full service operation,which brings more space to the operators. At the same time,the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The problems of site addressing and maintenance cost of operators are becoming more and more serious,and how to use more rapid and flexible ways,how to effectively reduce the energy consumption and reduce the cost of operation and maintenance has become a key issue in the deployment of 3G network. This paper introduces a new base station integrated with base station room,communication tower and antenna.
Keywords:mobile;integration;antenna feeder synchronization;base station
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