摘 要:在基于通信的列车运行控制 CBTC 系统中,列车自动监控子系统用以在线指挥和监督列车的运行,其对提高列车 的运行效率至关重要。应用服务器是 ATS 子系统的大脑,可保证 ATS 系统的稳定运行,因此其可用性和可靠性尤为重要。通过 引入集群,可大幅提高应用服务器的可用性和可靠性,截至目前,应用服务器集群已在长沙地铁四号线安全运营两年。
中图分类号:TP315;U284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0022-03
Application of Cluster Technology in ATS System
TAO Cui 1 ,HU Yubo1 ,ZHANG Fangjie 2
(1.Beijing Branch,Hunan CRRC Times Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100071,China; 2.China Nuclear Control System Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102401,China)
Abstract:In the Communication Based Train Control(CBTC) system,the automatic train supervision(ATS)subsystem is used to command and supervise the train operation online,which is very important to improve the efficiency of train operation. Application server is the brain of ATS subsystem,which can ensure the stable operation of ATS system,so its availability and reliability are particularly important. Through the introduction of cluster,the availability and reliability of application server can be greatly improved. Up to now,application server cluster has been applied in Changsha Metro Line 4 and has been in safe operation for two years.
Keywords:ATS;application server;cluster
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作者简介:陶翠(1985—),女,汉族,山东聊城人,测试工 程师,中级工程师,硕士,研究方向:模式识别与智能控制;胡玉 波(1982—),男,汉族,江苏淮安人,开发工程师,中级工程师, 硕士,研究方向:模式识别与智能控制;张方杰(1981—),男, 汉族,湖北潜江人,系统工程师,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向: 模式识别与智能控制。