摘 要:当今,博客网页管理系统种类繁多,但总是或多或少存在一些不尽人意之处,比如编写博客不方便、网页功能少以及网页页面过于繁杂等。基于这些情况,该文设计一款全新的博客管理系统,采用 Springboot 开发框架、Java 语言、Vue 前端框架和 MySQL 数据库,可以实现对博客内容的增删查改、用户评论、文章分类、留言板等功能,该博客管理系统页面简洁、功能齐全,能够满足绝大多数博主的需求。
中图分类号:P311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0018-04
Design and Implementation of Blog Management System Based on Springboot
ZHONG Yiyang,GUO Yujun
(School of Computer and Software,Jincheng College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 611731,China)
Abstract:Nowadays,there are many blog web page management systems. However,there is always something more or less unsatisfactory,such as inconvenient blog writing,lacking of web page functions and exceedingly complicated web pages. Based on this phenomenon,the thesis designs a new blog management system,which uses Springboot development framework,Java language, Vue front end framework and MySQL database to realize the functions of adding,deleting,checking and modifying blog content,user comments,article classification and message board. The blog management system has simple page and complete functions,which can meet the needs of most bloggers.
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作者简介:钟怡旸(2000—),男,汉族,四川成都人,本科 在读,研究方向:Java 开发;郭昱君(1994—),女,汉族,山西 太原人,硕士研究生,研究方向:管理学。