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基于 Neo4j 的育儿知识图谱构建研究与实践
(湖南中医药大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙 410208)

摘  要:文章阐述了构建育儿知识图谱的意义,对知识图谱和图数据库 Neo4j 进行了简要介绍。论述了育儿知识图谱的构建思路,开展了育儿知识图谱构建实践,详细介绍了育儿知识数据获取、育儿知识数据处理、育儿知识数据存储和育儿知识图谱数据展示等过程。基于 Neo4j 的育儿知识图谱构建实践,为进一步构建基于知识图谱的育儿知识服务系统,进而为用户提供高效便捷的育儿知识服务奠定了坚实的基础。



基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(20 20JJ4461);湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(20B431)

中图分类号:TP391.1                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0005-04

Research and Practice on the Construction of Childcare Knowledge Graph Based on Neo4j

ZENG Hongyan,WEI Changfa

(School of Information Science and Engineering,Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208,China)

Abstract:This paper expounds the significance of constructing childcare knowledge graph,and briefly introduces the knowledge graph and graph database Neo4j. It discusses the construction idea of childcare knowledge graph,carries out the construction practice of childcare knowledge graph,and introduces in detail the processes of childcare knowledge data acquisition,childcare knowledge data processing,childcare knowledge data storage and childcare knowledge graph data display,etc. The construction practice of childcare knowledge graph based on Neo4j has laid a solid foundation for further building a childcare knowledge service system based on knowledge graph and then provides users with efficient and convenient childcare knowledge services.

Keywords:knowledge graph;graph database;Neo4j;childcare


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作者简介:曾红艳(1998—),女,汉族,湖南娄底人,本科 在读,研究方向:医学信息工程;通讯作者:韦昌法(1982—),男, 壮族,广西巴马人,副教授,博士研究生在读,研究方向:中医智 能辅助诊疗。