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(北京交通大学光波技术研究所,北京 100044)

摘  要:文章综述了以传统光学透镜为主和以光波导元件为主的近眼显示设备,前者结构简单,但最终实现较小的视场角 并且设备体积较大;后者使用光波导元件作为近眼显示设备,扩大眼动范围,使用扩瞳技术提升场视角,得到了成像质量更好的 图像。为了提升用户的沉浸式体验感,将全息技术和近眼显示技术相结合,实现动态三维显示,并提出了基于计算全息技术应用 于近眼显示设备所面临的技术挑战。



中图分类号:TP391.9;O436                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0041-04

Recent Advances in Augmented Reality Related Technologies

ZHU Feifan, TAN Zhongwei

(Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: This paper summarizes the near eye display equipment based on traditional optical lens and optical waveguide element. The former has simple structure, but finally realizes small field angle and has a large volume; the latter uses the optical waveguide element as the near eye display device to expand the eye movement range, and uses the mydriasis technology to improve the field angle of view,so as to obtain an image with better imaging quality. In order to improve the user’s immersive experience, holographic technology and near eye display technology are combined to realize dynamic three-dimensional display, the technical challenges of applying computergenerated hologram technology to near eye display devices are put forward.

Keywords: augmented reality technology; optical waveguide; computer-generated hologram ; near eye display; exit pupil expansion


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