摘 要:随着大数据技术的发展,更多的数据被提取、存储和利用,数据的价值受到更为广泛的关注。近年来,高校尽管积累了大量的学生数据,但关于数据的研究仍较少,使得大量数据资源无法得到有效利用。本文通过对高校学籍数据进行分析,并通过多个视角对学生特征进行刻画,形成学生画像,有助于提高学校教学管理水平,为学生提供更加准确高效的服务。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0032-02
A Preliminary Study of Students’ Portrait Based on the Analysis of College Student Status Data
MO Liuliu
(Department of Educational Affairs of Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541004,China)
Abstract:With the development of big data technology,more data are extracted,stored and utilized,and the value of data has attracted more and more attention. In recent years,although colleges and universities have accumulated a large number of student data, the research on data is still lacking,making a large number of data resources can not be effectively utilized. Through the analysis of the data of college student status and the depiction of students' characteristics through multiple perspectives,this paper helps to improve the level of the school teaching management and provide more accurate and efficient service for the students.
Keywords:student portrait;school status;data characteristics
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