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(中通服中睿科技有限公司,广东 广州 510630)

摘  要:2019 年年底,新冠病毒被发现,并迅速开始在全球蔓延,全球防控机构都暴露出了很多的问题。防控指挥中心作为疫情控制的中心指挥系统,在控制传染源、隔离检测病患以及调控防控物资方面起着至关重要的作用。文章在新冠病毒蔓延的背景下,对于防控指挥中心的信息化系统升级进行研究,报告了当前疫情防控中心的现状,并提出自己的相关观点,望能为相关工作人员起到一定的启迪作用。



中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0017-04

Analysis on the Upgrading of Informatization System of Epidemic Prevention and ontrol Command Center
LI Shangzhen
(China Comservice Zhongrui Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510630, China)

Abstract: At the end of 2019, COVID-19 was discovered and rapidly spreaded around the world. Many problems have emerged in he global prevention and control organizations. As the central command system of epidemic control, the prevention and control command enter plays a vital role in controlling the infection source, isolating and detecting patients and regulating prevention and control materials. nder the background of the spread of COVID-19, this paper studies the upgrading of the informatization system of the prevention and ontrol command center, reports the current situation of the epidemic prevention and control center, and puts forward related viewpoints, oping to play a certain enlightening role for the relevant staff.

Keywords: prevention and control center; informatization; transformation


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