摘 要:航空气象报文综合告警系统致力于解决民航空管气象预报、观测从业人员在安全生产工作中关键时间节点提醒手段匮乏、气象产品检测告警机制不完善的痛点,基于网络安全技术、Qt 技术等, 实现空管气象预报、观测工作流程中多种气象产品的发布提醒、状态检测、延迟告警等一系列模块功能的设计研发应用,助力气象安全保障服务质量提升,促进安全生产工作平稳运行。
中图分类号:TP273+.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0014-03
Design and Application of Aeronautical Meteorological Message Integrated Warning System
(Civil Aviation Henan Air Traffic Control Branch, Zhengzhou 451475, China)
Abstract: The aviation meteorological message comprehensive warning system is committed to solving the pain points of the civil aviation management meteorological forecast and observation practitioners’ lack of reminder means for key time nodes in the safety production work and the imperfect detection and warning mechanism of meteorological products. Based on the network security technology and Qt technology, the design, development and application of a series of module functions such as aviation management meteorological forecast, release reminders of various meteorological products in the observation workflow, status detection, delay warning, etc., help improve the quality of meteorological safety assurance services and promote the smooth operation of safety production.
Keywords: safety; air traffic control; meteorology; message; Qt; warnin
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